Thursday, March 29, 2012


A M E L I E R A E B E A U P A R L A N T.™ open a exclusive line of skins called [Exlusif].

HAIR: [Shag] - Pussy Galore (roots) - bittersweet
SKIN: [Exlusif]Syna Au Naturale Native No.2 [Cleavage] NEW
EYELINERS: [Exlusif] No. 1 BasicLiner in Onyx
MAKE UP LIPS: [Exlusif]HiDef Collection in Bopeep Pink
ILLUMINATOR: [Exlusif]Syna Illuminator in Native No.2 Tone
BRIGHT EYES: [Exlusif]Syna BrightEyes Concealer in Native No.2 Tone
SHAPE: ::[annaA]:: Body Shape " Merle " NEWBODYSUIT: Belote - Bodysuit -  Hot Pink
SKIRT: ::[annaA]:: Mini [mesh] Skirt  - With Color HUD NEW
SHOES: ::Anno Domini:: Bossa Ultima2 MESH NEW